privacy policy

privacy policy


  1. SellerMB "Invematikas" Company code: 305179720
  2. electronic store located at
  3. Buyer- 1) able-bodied natural person, that is, a person who has reached the age of majority, whose capacity is not limited by court order; 2) a minor between fourteen and eighteen years of age who has the consent of his parents or guardians, except in cases where he is emancipated; 3) legal entity; 4) duly authorized representatives of all the above-mentioned persons.
  4. Seller's partner– legal entity: 1) selling goods or providing services, as well as the legal entity used to fulfill the Buyer's order; 2) with which joint actions or projects are carried out in the electronic store, on the web pages of this legal entity or in any media where the action or project of and this legal entity will be described and published.
  5. Account– The result of the buyer's registration on, which creates an account storing his personal data and order history (account).
  6. accounts- these are accounts on Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin and other social networks, which provide information about and the Services it provides, as well as sharing content made public by Buyers.
  7. Services– all services provided to the Buyer.
  8. Cookie– is a small file that is sent to the device when any person visits This concept includes not only cookies, but also the use of similar tools.
  9. Password- A unique combination of letters and numbers created by the buyer and known only to him, which is entered for the first time when registering at, and later in order to log in to the Account.
  10. Browser- is a program for displaying Internet pages (web pages) on the web or on a personal computer.
  11. Personal data- any information related to a natural person - a data subject whose identity is known or can be determined directly or indirectly using such data as a personal code, one or more characteristics of a physical, physiological, psychological, economic, cultural or social nature characteristic of a person.
  12. Controller of personal data–
  13. privacy policy– this document, which provides the basic rules for the collection, storage, processing and storage of Personal data using
  14. Administrator - the person responsible for marketing.
  15. IP address– Each computer connected to the Internet is assigned a unique number known as an Internet Protocol (IP) address. Because these numbers are usually assigned by country block, an IP address can often be used to identify the country from which a computer connects to the Internet.
  16. Rules- the valid "Rules for the purchase and sale of goods in the online store" have been approved.
  17. Direct marketing- activities aimed at offering goods or services to individuals by mail, telephone or other direct means and/or asking for their opinion on the offered goods or services.


 18.'s Privacy Policy provides for the basic rules for the collection, storage and processing of Personal data for the Buyer using the Services offered by

19. The Privacy Policy is intended to protect and defend the Personal Data of Buyers from unauthorized use. The privacy policy also applies to accounts.

20. The buyer is considered familiar with this Privacy Policy and having read it, when he expresses his consent to process his Personal data.

The Privacy Policy can be read and printed at any time at Buyers will always be informed about all future changes and/or additions to the Privacy Policy by publishing the new version of the Privacy Policy on, and making it technically possible for Buyers to read and approve the new version of the Privacy Policy when connecting to for the first time.

  1. Buyers should note that contains links to websites of other persons, companies or organizations, and that the Seller is not responsible for the content of such websites and/or the methods of ensuring the Privacy Policy used by them, therefore, before submitting information about himself, the Buyer should familiarize himself with the relevant website's rules, Privacy Policy and other documents.
  2. The buyer can perform purchase actions after registering at, as well as without registration. The Buyer who has not registered is required to provide the following personal data - name, surname, phone number, e-mail address. mailing address, delivery address. The buyer is responsible for providing his Personal Data.
  3. Persons wishing to register at must provide their e-mail address and invented Password. An Account is created during registration. In the account, the Buyer enters his own data - name, surname, gender, date of birth, phone number, e-mail address, therefore only he is responsible for the correctness of these data. A User ID is provided to the buyer. The buyer can at any time:

24.1. correct and/or fill in Personal data in the Account. The Buyer is responsible for the correctness of the corrected and/or supplemented data;

24.2. contact at the e-mail address regarding cancellation of the Account.

  1. only requires the Buyer to submit a personal code when ordering goods from or the Seller's partners in installments, as well as when purchasing additional services that require the submission of a personal code (e.g. product insurance, extending the product warranty).


  1. The buyer agrees that his name, surname, e-mail address, phone number, and IP address will be processed by for the purposes of activity analysis.
  2. The Seller confirms that the Personal Data specified by the Buyer will be processed only in order to properly provide the Buyers with the services provided in the electronic store (including the right to participate in promotions, projects). The Seller also confirms that the Personal Data specified by the Buyer will be processed for the purposes of analysis of the Seller's activities and Direct Marketing, if such consent will be given by the Buyer. The duration of storage of Personal Data for Direct Marketing purposes is determined - three calendar years from the moment of submission of such data.
  3. The Seller undertakes not to disclose the Buyer's Personal Data to third parties, except in the following cases:

29.1. if there is the Buyer's consent to the disclosure of Personal Data;

29.2. when executing an order or providing other services - to the Seller's partners who provide goods delivery or other services ordered by the Buyer;

29.3. For direct marketing purposes - to the Seller's partners, in compliance with Privacy Policy 29.1. the condition set forth in point 1 and after takes care of the written obligations of the Seller's partners to comply with the provisions of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data of the Republic of Lithuania;

29.4. to law enforcement institutions in accordance with the procedure provided by the legal acts of the Republic of Lithuania;

29.5. if it is necessary to prevent or investigate criminal acts.

  1. The buyer has the following rights:

30.1. after submitting a written request to the Seller to get acquainted with the Seller's personal data. Information is provided to the Buyer at the e-mail address specified by him;

30.2. after submitting a request to the Seller in writing to receive information from which sources and which personal data was collected, for what purpose it is processed, to which recipients the data is provided and has been provided for at least the last 1 (one) year. Information is provided to the Buyer at the e-mail address specified by him;

30.3. after submitting a request to the Seller in writing, at the e-mail address to demand the cancellation of the Account or the suspension of Personal Data processing actions, when Personal Data is processed without complying with the provisions of the Law on Legal Protection of Personal Data and other laws, except for the cases provided for in the Privacy Policy;

30.4. by not agreeing to the Privacy Policy, not to agree to the processing of his Personal Data. In this case, the Buyer will not have the opportunity to purchase goods and/or services in the electronic store;

30.5. Both by immediately expressing his disagreement, and by submitting a subsequent notice of objection to the processing of his Personal Data for Direct Marketing purposes in accordance with the procedure provided for in Clause 27 of the Privacy Policy.

  1. During the collection of the goods, the Seller, the employee of the joint-stock company Lithuanian Post, the employee of the courier service or the employee of the Goods Collection Center are presented with a document confirming the identity of the Buyer and the Buyer's data contained in it are used only for proper identification of the identity of the person.
  2. By agreeing to this Privacy Policy, the Buyer agrees that his Personal Data will be used to fulfill his order, regardless of whether he orders goods and/or services from as a seller or from Partners, as defined in point 4 of the Privacy Policy, including agrees that his Personal data will be transferred to the Seller's partners, as defined in point 4 of the Privacy Policy, as well as processed by the Seller or its designated data processor for the purposes of order fulfillment activity analysis.
  3. The Buyer's Personal Data is provided to European Union member states or other foreign countries under the same conditions and procedure as to subjects located in the Republic of Lithuania and only for the purposes provided for in this Privacy Policy.
  4. The seller stores personal data as long as this person uses services, except for the cases specified in this Privacy Policy. After the cancellation of the Account in order to fulfill the requirements provided for in point 38 of the Privacy Policy, the Personal Data of the Buyer may be stored on the server of the Personal Data Manager for up to six months, except for the cases specified in point 38 of the Privacy Policy and the legal requirements of law enforcement authorities to store them.
  5. The seller, with the help of internal organizational and technical measures, ensures that the Personal data provided by the Buyer to is protected from any illegal actions: illegal alteration, disclosure or destruction of Personal data, identity theft, fraud, and that the level of Personal data protection meets the requirements of the laws of the Republic of Lithuania .
  6. Personal data is protected against loss, unauthorized use and changes. All Buyers' Passwords are encrypted, only persons authorized by the Personal Data Controller can connect to servers related to Personal Data and only through a secure certificate, which is additionally protected by a password, as well as all pages that require Personal Data entry are performed via https :// protocol.
  7. The buyer undertakes and must keep his password and login name, as well as other data, for connecting to The Buyer undertakes and is obliged not to disclose Personal data about himself or third parties to any other third parties, if such Personal data of third parties were made available to him, and to immediately inform the Seller of visible violations.
  8. The Buyer agrees in advance that the Seller has the right to store his Personal Data on the server as long as it is necessary according to the specifics of's activities, if the data provided by the Buyer was (i) used to commit an illegal act or (ii) it was suspected that identity theft had been committed or other violation for which there has been or will be an investigation by the relevant law enforcement authorities, (iii) if the Seller has received complaints related to the relevant Buyer, or if the Seller has noticed violations of the Rules committed by the relevant Buyer, or (iv) for other legitimate purposes to protect Personal Data . This data is destroyed upon receipt of lawful instructions from law enforcement or other authorized authorities.
  9. The Buyer must submit any request or instruction related to the processing of Personal Data to the Seller in writing in the following ways: by sending such a request or instruction to the e-mail address from his e-mail address specified in point 26 of the Privacy Policy. The Seller, upon receiving such a request or instruction from the Buyer, provides the Buyer with an answer and performs the actions specified in the request or refuses to perform them within 30 (thirty) calendar days at the latest. At the buyer's request, the response must be provided in writing.
  10. When administering and diagnosing possible problems, the Administrator can use the Buyers' IP addresses.
  12. The Buyer grants the right to collect, manage, process and store the Buyer's Personal Data to the extent and for the purposes provided for in the Privacy Policy and other documents.
  13. Giving or revoking consent to collect, manage, process and store the Buyer's Personal Data is valid only going forward., upon receiving such a notification from the Buyer by e-mail or other means provided for in the Privacy Policy, immediately stops the processing of the Buyer's Personal Data and cancels his Account, but this does not mean that must delete/destroy the Personal Data from the server, if it has a legitimate reason to keep them , especially when it is necessary to ensure the security and defense of the state, public order, crime prevention, investigation, detection or prosecution, to protect the important economic or financial interests of the state, the protection of the rights and freedoms of other persons.
  14. The buyer has the right to get access to his personal data after submitting a document confirming his identity to (to confirm his identity, a citizen's passport of the Republic of Lithuania, a passport of the Republic of Lithuania, an identity card, a driver's license must be submitted). In order to find out what Personal Data has collected or received and from which sources, for what purposes they are processed, to which recipients they are provided and have been provided, or whether all Personal Data of the Buyer are complete and correct, the Buyer must contact in advance at the email address specified in this Privacy Policy., upon receiving such an inquiry from the Buyer, shall answer him whether the Personal data related to the Buyer are processed and provide the data requested by the Buyer no later than within 30 (thirty) calendar days from the date of receipt of the Buyer's request. According to this clause, data is provided free of charge once per calendar year.
  15. If after getting acquainted with his Personal data, the Buyer determines that the Personal data has been collected or received from illegal sources, or that the Personal data is not being processed for the purposes for which it is provided, the Buyer has the right to contact by e-mail requesting to stop the processing of such Personal data actions. A buyer who uses without registering and receives a response from in which he notices inaccuracies or errors in his Personal data, has the right to demand that his Personal data be corrected as soon as possible, but no later than within 5 (five) working days , adjust. The buyer, who uses after registering, corrects personal data by logging into his account. has the right to correct, supplement, delete Personal data or stop the processing of Personal data only after identifying the identity of the Buyer who applied.
  16. If doubts the correctness of the Personal data provided by the Buyer, it can stop the processing of the Buyer's Personal data, check and correct this data. Such Personal Data are used only to verify their correctness.
  17. By exercising the above-mentioned rights, the Buyer can contact at the e-mail address
  19. In order to provide the Buyer with the full-fledged services of the electronic store, Cookies may be stored on the Buyer's computer (device). [The recorded information is used by the Seller to identify the Buyer as a previous visitor of the online store, to save information about the purchases placed in the Buyer's shopping cart, and to collect electronic store attendance statistics. ]The buyer has the opportunity to review what information (Cookies) the Seller or its Partners record, and can delete part or all of the recorded Cookies. By approving the Privacy Policy, the buyer agrees to have the Cookies specified in this Privacy Policy stored on his computer (device). The Buyer can revoke this consent at any time by changing the settings of his internet browser, but in this case certain functions of the online store may not work for him. The buyer must personally find out what cookies are used by the Seller's Partners.
  20. uses the following cookies:

48.1. The first type of Cookies - We inform you that when you log in to, in order to use, the Cookies indicated in the following table are saved on your computer:

Cookie Cookie 
Purpose of data processing Creation 
Expiry date Data used additional information
_ga 48 hours
_gat 10 minutes
wp-settings-1 24 hours
wp-settings-time-1 24 hours

The above-mentioned Cookies are intended for the transmission of information via an electronic communication network. You can delete or block all or part of these cookies through the browser settings, but in this case some of the functions of the website may not work.

The second type of Cookies is designed to collect information to calculate attendance (collect statistical information), provide content that meets Buyers' interests, and save visit history. does not use this type of Cookies, but draws the Buyers' attention to the fact that some Partners may use this type of Cookies, so if the Buyer suspects that this type of Cookies is being used without his consent, he should contact a specific Partner.

  1. This Privacy Policy comes into force in 2016. August 1d. Any changes to the Privacy Policy will be notified in accordance with the procedure provided for in Clause 20 of this Privacy Policy.